Once you make the decision to get braces, our Castle Pines orthodontist says there are certain responsibilities that come along with them. Regular brushing, flossing, and eating a proper diet are just a few of the ways to maintain braces. Sometimes, even with the best care, wires can poke the inside of your mouth,…
Posts Categorized:Braces
If your teeth don’t fit together well or if you have a “gummy” smile or an under- or overbite, you may have jaw problems. Difficulty talking, chewing, or swallowing, as well as snoring, mouth breathing, neck and jaw pain, and sleep apnea, are all symptoms of abnormalities of the jaws and teeth. Some people are…
Ask just about anybody, and they can tell you about the time they spent wearing braces. Many people visited their orthodontics office during their formative years (and, in some cases, their adult years) in order to improve the appearance of their smile. If you’ve been considering a better smile for yourself, then your orthodontist in Highlands…